20 October 2019

Where Did the Summer Go

I can't believe that it is already September (it took me a whole month to publish :)). It was only yesterday that we planed what we are going to do during summer holidays. And now the boys are back to school.

We had a great summer never the less.

I always like to plan things. It gives me a sense of excitement to think about the adventures we will have. But it always amazes me how the plans tent to take their own path. And how the actual implementation is (most of the times) even better than the planed one.

With a newborn we didn't plan any major travels to avoid being to far if anything would happen to her. It's not that I don't trust foreign medical systems,it's more a matter of communication in foreign language and the feeling of helplessness of not knowing what's going on.

Luckily the baby was alright and healthy all the time, so we didn't have any worries with that. And than soon realised that we can't stay put and need to move around and see places.

So what happened?

This year I was looking forward to spend the holidays in Bohinj, one of my favorite places, where one can really ease the mind in the most serene nature I know.

We did manage to go to Bohinj but not as we initially planned. As the lake of Bohinj is situated in the heart of mountains, the weather follows this notion as well. And the mountain climate can change quickly. The prognosis for the weeks we wanted to spend there wasn't very promising. With rain, lower temperature and daily storms. As we are camping, the seaside seemed a better option.

It was nice, we swam, snorkelled and relaxed, but after 5 days and once we saw that the baby didn't mind the travel, we started to think about taking a trip. And I who like to travel the least, was the most eager one. 10 days of seaside was more that even I could handle of staying put.

Next, we were off to Austria. The weather was still bad, but we didn't mind it as we rented an apartment in Bad Gastein. We hiked the foothills of Austria's highest mountain, swam in lakes (we did that quite a lot this summer) and did a bit of sightseeing of the surroundings.

As for Bohinj, we decided to go there few times for a day. We don't live far and as the weather this summer wasn't idle it was a great decision and we went there only when the weather was nice.

There were also some family milestones: the oldest climbed the highest mountain in Slovenia - Triglav, the youngest backed cookies by himself and I got a new old camera to learn photography and make some amazing pictures, that is my wish (meaning that my hubby upgraded, a lot, to a bran new camera).

It was a great summer. What I liked about it the most was that we could spend it together the majority of time. That was priceless.

And as the hubby had to go back to work and boys to schooled we started to plan a new adventure in a few months. I'm exited to see where it takes us.

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